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Objednací číslo: 39383334


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EAN: 0641871746088 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 689 Kč

The musical process for The Telescopes' 14th album, 'Experimental Health,' not only kept to a specific set of instruments but also a substantial amount of crushing and sound degradation was done to the tracks to elicit a certain kind of resolution. The result is an album radiating a dark and abrasive, yet ethereal energy. Created entirely independently by Stephen Lawrie in a remote cottage in West Yorkshire between January to May 2022, the record was made with broken toys and cheap synths - mostly Pocket Operators and miniature synths, with no guitars present. The complexity of sound rests within the simplicity of the composition and musical arrangements.
The bonus remixes are two divergent interpretations by Black Market Karma and Mosaic Runes, both artists deploying their own respective skill sets and aura. The former with unfurling guitars and live drums, spreading a magnetic warmth and charm. The latter returning to the cryptic spectres haunting the record, drawing out the hidden spirit of broken equipment and infusing the tracks with their signature fractured ice. CD in a matt digipak with art by Stephen Lawrie.

TELESCOPES - Aktuality:

16.3. - Kabinet MÚZ poctí svým koncertem hvězdní The Telescopes

Nové akce - HUDBA:

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