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Objednací číslo: 39279203


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

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EAN: 0792105762715 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1

Popis - FIELD [VINYL]:
Film School's 'Field' is enveloped by themes of regret, disconnection and frustration but with the space to understand
that these feelings are a natural part of the struggle between
reconciling the inner and outer self. The Los Angeles/San Francisco-based group have been indie shoegaze stalwarts since their formation in 2001. After two decades and a handful of line-up changes, their extensive discography presents a dynamically textural, lush psychedelic rock that has featured guest appearances by members of Pavement, My Bloody Valentine and Snow Patrol among others. Their 2021 LP 'We Weren't Here' was hailed for its dense instrumental blanket, where unrelenting hi-hats and heavy kicks exist alongside dreamy drone guitar. This propulsive nature permeates on 'Field', as the band produced a kaleidoscopic sonic landscape. Comes on green vinyl.

Film - Aktuality:

22.9. - Ghost Writer - strhujúci triler Romana Polanského prichádza do slovenských kín

21.9. - Legendu o Lietajúcom Cypriánovi videlo už 50-tisíc ľudí

19.9. - Muž vrazil autom do Warner Bros. s replikou zbrane a horľavinou

2.9. - Mal som sen: v kine sedeli traja...

22.8. - Hollywoodske filmy čakajú protifajčiarske opatrenia

22.8. - Začalo sa nakrúcanie filmu o strmej kariére Nicolasa Sarkozyho

22.8. - Toy Story sa vracia a mení históriu

22.8. - Po Kajínkovi príde Čubírková a naša mafia

26.1. - Avatar potápa Titanic!

10.11. - Film Cesta Magdalény Robinsonovej získal zvláštne uznanie

Nové akce - FILMY:

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