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Objednací číslo: 38950756


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

Odběr zdarma

Datum vydání: 7.10.2022
EAN: 0640712447191 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 1486 Kč

Electronic audiovisual project, inspired by ritual and regional music from the Iranian plateau. The term "elemaun" (loanword from French) is equivalent to the English word element, commonly used in mathematical terms of the surface integral in Persian. The components and smaller surfaces that are selected to study the whole surface are called "elemaun." Such elements can contract in size to a considerable degree to estimate the limit value of the intended surface. The set consists of six compositions of digital and analog synthesizers, field recorded samples, ambient soundscapes, and synthesized drum machines referencing different cultures, music, and narratives and the same approach has been taken for computer-generated motion pictures and real-time edited video footage. The tunes are sampled as abstract, minimal, and repetitive motifs from different cultures of Baluch, Azeri, Southern Iranian Arabs, Khorasan, etc. After the Linz Ars Electronica premiere of 2016 it was presented in Poland, Iran, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Germany and finally in Canada in 2019, where the artist is based, and just perfomed at Mutek festival 2022.

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