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Objednací číslo: 38641454


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

Odběr zdarma

Datum vydání: 11.6.2021
EAN: 2090505081299 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 2

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 1982 Kč

This period of time in 1983 in which 'Gyllensköld' was recorded was a true evolution of Steven Stapleton's audio art. His collaborations with Diana Rogerson, Robert Haigh (Sema), David Tibet, and Jim Thirlwell around this time elicited some of the most exciting work Nurse With Wound had yet recorded. The production quality on these tracks is remarkable, and the widening out of the project's soundworld opened up a audio toybox that Stapleton has continued to experiment with up to today. It encompasses vocal experiments, vintage LPs of easy listening music, demented nursery rhymes, lateral references to disposable pop music, avant-garde jazz and minimalistic piano composition, all glued together with evocative atmospheres redolent of things unholy, troubling and perverse, but always oddly indefinable and puzzlingly misshapen. In retrospect, 'Gyllensköld' can be seen as the beginning of the "mature" period of NWW, and thus it is an indispensible release for fans of the project. Comes on silver with black and white coloured vinyl.

Nurse With Wound - Aktuality:

21.1. - Nurse With Wound a Larsen vybírají z chyb

6.5. - Nurse With Wound ve fotografiích

3.5. - Dada jogín a Poraněné sestřičky

29.4. - Festival Stimul stvořil největší hudební plakát

27.4. - Festival Stimul vyvěsil největší plakát

26.4. - Průkopničtí Nurse With Wound vystoupí v Praze

21.4. - Stimul přiveze Nurse With Wound a Aranos

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