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Objednací číslo: 37584253


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

Datum vydání: 15.5.2020
EAN: 7119691264523 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 5 dodavatelů, od 437 Kč

Popis - AFRO BLUE:
If you collect vintage '70s soul-jazz vinyl, there is a good chance that you already own a record that features the amazing vocal talents of Dee Dee Bridgewater. Whether it be Roy Ayers, Norman Connors, Billy Parker or Carlos Garnett - Dee Dee is the glue that fuses these artists together. Although best known for her jazz work, Dee Dee has had a wonderfully rich and varied career encompassing soul, musicals, gospel, and underground disco from the '70s to the present day. She is still active
as a vocalist, composer, and producer. Her debut album 'Afro Blue' was recorded in Tokyo in 1974. The album was released exclusively in Japan via two different Japanese labels (Trio
Records in 1974 and All Art in 1985 respectively). 'Afro Blue' features an exquisite collaboration of American and Japanese musicians, such as Cecil & Ron Bridgewater, Motohiko Hino and
producer Takao Ishizuka. The result is a sublime deep soul-jazz
masterpiece with timeless versions of 'People Make The World Go Round', 'Love From The Sun', and 'Afro Blue'. It is arguably one of the finest albums in its genre. This record has long been a sought-after item for DJs and collectors alike.

Dee Dee Bridgewater - Aktuality:

25.1. - Do Bratislavy zavíta speváčka China Moses, dcéra Dee Dee Bridgewater

23.4. - Dee Dee Bridgewater v Olomouci? To není vtip

27.9. - Dee Dee Bridgewaterová rozezněla jazzové Struny podzimu

26.9. - Začínají Struny podzimu koncertem Dee Dee Bridgewater

16.9. - Dee Dee Bridgewater odstartuje festival Struny podzimu

16.9. - Struny s jazzovou Dee Dee i hip-hopem

3.5. - Struny s Avishaiem Cohenem a Bridgewaterovou

2.5. - Dee Dee Bridgewater se na podzim vrátí do Prahy

29.4. - Struny podzimu zahájí \'Dee Dee\' se svým kvartetem

6.4. - Suit up! Je tu Dee Dee a veze Billie

Nové akce - HUDBA:

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