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Objednací číslo: 37391027


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

POZOR! Titul nemá český dabing a ani titulky!

Datum vydání: 19.4.2010
EAN: 0711969113792 (info)
Label: MR. BONGO
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: DVD

V nabídce: 3 dodavatelé, od 453 Kč

'The Stranger' ('Agantuk') is the final film produced by the iconic Bengali auteur Satyajit Ray (before his death in 1992) and his only colour movie. The film sees Anila receiving a letter from a man claiming to be her uncle, a man who disappeared 35 years prior. He turns up at her family home professing to be an anthropologist, a globally seasoned traveller en route from the United States to Australia. The family, are suspicious of the stranger, believing him to be an imposter with a financial scam to sell. After a grilling from the family's lawyer, he leaves as unexpectedly as he arrives, leaving behind a stunned family, and some very insightful observations. PAL DVD, the language is Bengali with English subtitles.

Movie - Aktuality:

18.2. - Po prvých sekundách vám budú behať po rozumu: 13 nesmrteľných zneliek, ktoré pozná každý

13.1. - Nominácie na Zlaté maliny sú známe: Favoritom je dráma Päťdesiat odtieňov sivej!

23.6. - Sexica Anna Faris zo Scary Movie sa vydala: Toto telo patrí už len Chrisovi Prattovi!

Nové akce - FILMY:

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