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Objednací číslo: 36774204


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

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Datum vydání: 31.5.2019
EAN: 5050580715387 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1

Popis - DOME 2 [VINYL]:
With the demise of the group Wire in 1980, founder members Bruce Gilbert and Graham Lewis joined forces to create Dome. With the assistance of engineer Eric Radcliffe and his Blackwing Studio Dome took the ethic of "using the studio as a compositional tool" and recorded and released three Dome albums on their own label in a timespan of 12 months: "Dome" (July 1980), "Dome 2" (October 1980) and "Dome 3" (October 1981). These albums represent some of the most beautifuly stark and above all timeless exercises in studio experimentation from early 1980s alternative music scene. Now available as a separate LP with download card. New artwork and layout by Dave Coppenhall.

Tu V Dome - Aktuality:

15.3. - Udeľovanie Radio_Head Awards ovládli Fallgrapp

26.1. - Tu v dome - Cesta VIII

15.9. - Hudobné tipy: nové federálne duety aj protichodné chute

17.9. - Tu v Dome majú nový album

9.12. - Slnko Records bilancuje své dva poslední roky výběrovou kompilací

9.12. - Tu v dome - koncerty

18.2. - Hravá recesia skĺbená s poetikou – Tu v dome vystúpili v Christianii (reportáž+foto+video)

27.1. - Tu v dome

27.1. - Skupina Tu v dome bude vo februári koncertovať na východe

17.12. - Tu v dome: Neskorý zber pesničkovej úrody

Nové akce - HUDBA:

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