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Objednací číslo: 36199685


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Žánr Country
EAN: 0667292045920 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 3 dodavatelé, od 323 Kč

Tom Wayne is a singer/songwriter who has recorded more than 50 songs and written over 200, many of which have been recorded by other artists, such as Leona Williams and Grammy Award-winner Jody Miller. Tom's first record 'The King Lives on Forever', a song he wrote just three days after Elvis' death, has been featured on 'The Oprah Winfrey Show', CNN and in the movie 'Rock and roll Disciples', which was released in the United States and several European countries. In 1982, Tom teamed up in Nashville with Sheb Wooley for a duet remake of the three-million seller 'The Purple People Eater'. That project was co-produced by Sheb and Bob Williams, who is Tom's brother and manager. The record was Pick Hit of the Week at Trans-American Broadcasting Corp, a syndicated network program in Hollywood. It also did very well in Canada. Some of Tom's earlier records have become collectibles. 'The Frisbee Record', for example, has sold on eBay for more than $50.00 for a single copy. Tom has made numerous TV and radio appearances and performed on shows with many stars, including Randy Travis, Conway Twitty, Reba McEntire and Grammy Award-winning Jody Miller, for whom he wrote 'For God and Country', a song that reached #1 on the Panel Chart in 1999. 'From the Heart' is his latest release and features 'For God and Country, A Tribute to America's Veterans'. The CD has 13 songs and includes duets with country music legends Leona Williams and Jody Miller. Leona has recorded the song on her just-released CD 'New Patches'. The American Legion and other veterans' organizations are selling this CD as a fund-raiser with profits going to help America's veterans, who have helped America so much. Originally from Oklahoma, Tom now makes his home in Missouri and spends a lot of time on the road between Branson and Nashville. Personal Management: Bob Williams B&T Music POBox 850072 Yukon OK 73085 (405) 350-7726

Lil Wayne - Aktuality:

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24.3. - Náhle zemřel poslední původní člen SALIVY, kytarista Wayne Swinny

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Nové akce - HUDBA:

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