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Objednací číslo: 33294010


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

Datum vydání: 25.2.2010
EAN: 0099925398323 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 2
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 6 dodavatelů, od 459 Kč

01. Overture
02. Act 1 "Shadows of departed souls"
03. Act 1 "Dead! My arrow flew straight to its breast!"
04. Act 1 "Šárko - it's you! - You too are wandering"
05. Act 1 "With grieving hearts"
06. Act 1 "Oh you fainthearted maidens!"
07. Act 1 "Welcome, mighty Přemysl, our ruler!"
08. Act 1 "Our God eternal, ruler of the light"
09. Act 1 "Oh you men, you boastful vipers!"
10. Act 1 "In the sacred name"
11. Act 1 "Arise, Vlasta!"
12. Act 2 - Introduction
13. Act 2 "Halt! We have reached our goal!"
14. Act 2 "Hoy! Sisters, goog health!"
15. Act 2 "Be it a chasing race! Hoyo!"
16. Act 2 "The hatred creeps like a dark shadow"
17. Act 2 "Enough is said! Time speeds on!"
18. Act 2 "Silence reigns all around"
19. Act 2 "The silver moon rises"
20. Act 2 "Woe! Help me!"
21. Act 2 "Yes, indeed, I hated you!"
22. Act 2 "You are mine, and no one will take you away!"
23. Act 2 "Woe! Away! Quickly away!"
24. Act 3 - Introduction
25. Act 3 "You have led me and my men of arms"
26. Act 3 "Hear me, eternal sky"
27. Act 3 "Where have you brought me, awful treachery?"
28. Act 3 "A court of justice has examined"
29. Act 3 "I am not afraid, o, cold death"
30. Act 3 "The time has come!"
31. Act 3 "Look how weak I am"
32. Act 3 "This is my work!"
33. Act 3 "Look - over there!"

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