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Objednací číslo: 32443104


Na objednávku. Dodání trvá obvykle 12 týdnů.

Datum vydání: 29.3.2010
EAN: 9005216005925 (info)
Label: ATS-Records
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

Popis - SOME OF US:
This album is dedicated to the memory of our friend Joachim Ernst Berendt. When writing for my albums fragments of a journey and variety he did not want to use the term world music any more, because he thought that term was frequently abused. He also said: This music is beyond all labels, meaning that it was not suited to the marketing strategies of major labels. – Today he would probably say the same. This album is not characterized by a coherent musical style. Instead, there are a lot of diff erent kinds of music ranging from duo to quintet: world jazz (if you want), a look to Brazil (por Alfredo), to France (per Riccardo), a bow to the music of the Andes in the two solos and at the end a remembrance of the unforgettable Codona and Jim Pepper, a live recording which Wolfgang has turned into an equally unforgettable experience for us. In this sense Some of us is an album of friends, musicians for whom musical openness is a major concern. Valdinho Joachim Ernst Berendt There is world music and there is world music.When we startet out with it in the 60´s, we didn´t dare dream about how it would develop. There is also world music one would ideally like to find a new name for because the term „World Music“ has been so offen misused in the past. Or even better, not to give it any name at all! No label, for this music is beyond all labels....and also counter to labelling. It is exactly that what we had in mind in the beginning: a balanced and rhythmical merging of cultures to the point where it is almost difficult to discern what is coming together here: Indian (through Prakash and Vikash), Balkan-Oriental, medieval (through Igor), Brazilian (through Valdinho) and some good timeless Jazz which makes the question, „Is Jazz now In or Out?“ seem utterly ridiculous. We only know that our hearts are touched when we hear Wolfgang moving solo on the alto, David´s bass and Jon´s tuba. It is a great combination of musicians. On one hand, there are the „old pros“ with whom i worked on similar projects in the 60´s and 70´s. On the other hand, there are musicians of a new generation. This is proof of the timeless of what is taking place here. Hats off to Valdinho who is always capable of bringing a variety of musical currents together in a seeminglyeffortless way. Al Di Meola„ ..a great CD“.. Stereoplay„Variety“Intensiv mit der Musik anderer Kulturen hat sich Valdinho Langer beschäftigt. Das hört man den Stücken des österr. Gitarristen auch an. Um für „Variety“ eine bunte Mischung zu kreieren hat er zwei indische Musiker, einen kroatischen Geiger, den Amerikaner David Friesen (Bass) und Landsleute wie den Saxofonisten Wolfgang Puschnig eingeladen. Mit ihnen spielt er in den unterschiedlichsten Kombinationen, mal in bester Shakti-Manier, dann wie in einem buntschillernden Basar, mal deckt er seine europäischen Wurzeln auf oder wagt einen Trip nach Südamerika.

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