2016. - the prologue,the last great adventure part one,- degrees drifting,the last great adventure part two,packing up,moving off,wheat from the chaff,the penguin march,the sinking of endurance,the boss,..
2016. - en remontant le fleuve,angelus,fenetre sur desert,strategie de l'inespoir,karaganda (camp 99),mytilene island,resilience zero,lubies sentimentales,amour desaffecte,mediocratie,retour a celingrad,t..
2014. - fenetre sur disert (4:00),retour a celingrad (3:05),mytilene island (2:48),en remontant le fleuve (5:10),amour desaffecte (4:13),strategie de l'inespoir (3:02),toboggan (4:13),resilience zero (4:4..