2002. Love it or leave it, commie pinko! Strung Out's fourth album and there's no paradox about it - Velvet Alley,Kill Your Scene,Alien Amplifier,Cult Of The Subterranean,Lubricating The Revolution,The Kids,UnKoil,..
2019. 'country music goes to war (1952-1972)' - rsd 2019 release. Limited edition of 500 copies, 250 copies (randomly inserted) on 'radioactive yellow-cake' colored vinyl and 250 copies on (ran..
2019. Jedného krásneho dňa sa "Prasiatko Kvík" prestalo umývať, čistiť si zúbky, upratovať po sebe a prestalo sa i česať vlásky. Malý huncút "Škriatok &..