1984. - she walks alone,i cappelli di herma,i cappelli di herma,memory lost!,nello like a sultan,b-cycle,alicante,quanto sbocciar di fiori,waves,arc-en-ciel,arc-en-ciel,arc-en-ciel
2010. - harteros, anja - gebet zu gott hob. Xxvia:17,harteros, anja - an die hoffnung (ob ein gott sei?,harteros, anja - zaertliche liebe (ich liebe dich,,harteros, anja - am see (in des sees w..
2018. - jan rhode & his cool cats - lotta lovin',roald stensby & rockin' dukes - you'll never tame me,rock-rolf & hans satelliter - stockholm rock,rockin' sam & the swingin' swedes - at the hop,rock-boris..