2020. Progressive rock act The Enid captured live in 1980 at Loughborough Town Hall. This British group was formed around the founder/keyboardist Robert John Godfrey (Barclay James Harvest) and his fellow foundermem..
2020. Vzhůru na Vyvrhel!Z plánu strávit velikonoční prázdniny na Kirrinu sešlo hned první večer. Vichřice porazila mohutný jasan a ten poničil dětem pokoje. Str&yacut..
2014. - anthropy,one and the many,who created me?,execution mob,witch hunt,heaven`s gate,disk 2:,leviticus,villain of science,the whispering,etching
1993. 'The Seed And The Sower', the ninth album by progressive outfit The Enid, returns to the CD-format as a deluxe digifile edition. The album was originally released in 1988.
2010. At the time of recording (August to September 1977) The Enid featured a slightly different line-up to that of their first album. Gone was Glenn Tollet and Neil Kavanagh, replaced by Charlie Elston (who in turn..
2015. 1974 to 1975 saw The Enid - a fledgling band full of ideas - record their first album with inspiration taken from the performance at Finchden Manor of 'The Quest For The Holy Grail'. Bucking the prevailing pun..
2010. - wild thing,the sun,raindown,then there were none,childe roland to the dark tower came,jessica,letter from america,nimrod,evensong
2010. - jig fugue,golden earings,fanfare & march,665,jingle,tallest dwarf in the world,cathedralaise,fool,hyperion,skye boat song
2014. - the fool / the falling tower [ 06:16 ],death, the reaper [ 03:59 ],the lovers [ 05:17 ],the devil [ 04:14 ],the sun [ 04:39 ],the last judgement [ 08:12 ],in the region of the summer stars [ 06:19..