2015. Double-lp. On this fourth album, elephant9 once again joins forces with reine fiske, the swedish guitarist from dungen and the amazing. The result is an epic slice of mindblowi..
2018. On this, the unusual instrumental jazz-rock band's fifth studio album, Elephant9 is back featuring the core trio of the first two albums. 'The Greatest Show On Earth' displays some truly astonishing playing, l..
2019. Co-featuring the trio's frequent guest Reine Fiske (a.o. known from Swedish psychonauts Dungen) on guitar, this album (the first of two sister releases) includes mind altering live versions of songs from throu..
2019. Co-featuring the trio's frequent guest Reine Fiske (a.o. known from Swedish psychonauts Dungen) on guitar, this album (the second of two sister releases) includes mind altering live versions of songs from t..
2019. Co-featuring the trio's frequent guest Reine Fiske (a.o. known from Swedish psychonauts Dungen) on guitar, this album (the first of two sister releases) includes mind altering live versions of songs from thro..
2019. Co-featuring the trio's frequent guest Reine Fiske (a.o. known from Swedish psychonauts Dungen) on guitar, this album (the second of two sister releases) includes mind altering live versions of songs from t..
2020. On this, the unusual instrumental jazz-rock band's fifth studio album, Elephant9 is back featuring the core trio of the first two albums. 'The Greatest Show On Earth' displays some truly astonishing playing,..
2015. Double-lp. On this fourth album, elephant9 once again joins forces with reine fiske, the swedish guitarist from dungen and the amazing. The result is an epic slice of mindblowi..
2010. - fugl f nix,aviation,walk the nile,hardcore orientale,habanera rocket,john tinnick
2023. The Norwegian Jazz trio Bushman's Revenge mixes the energy of rock with the freedom of jazz in an exciting and exhilarating way. Formed in 2003, the trio (consisting of Even Helte Hermansen on Guitar, Rune Ner..
2017. A cast of Scandinavian and American artists pays tribute to Norwegian guitar hero Terje Rypdal. Rypdal started his career in 1967 with the psychedelic band The Dream, then made solo rock-albums and also ventur..
2017. A cast of Scandinavian and American artists pays tribute to Norwegian guitar hero Terje Rypdal. Rypdal started his career in 1967 with the psychedelic band The Dream, then made solo rock-albums and also ventur..
2023. On this album (here available on DOUBLE-LP), guitarist Hedvig Mollestad when teams up with sublime keyboard player Stale Storlokken (Elephant9, Supersilent) and young drummer ace Ole Mofjell in a new trio bear..
2023. The Norwegian Jazz trio Bushman's Revenge mixes the energy of rock with the freedom of jazz in an exciting and exhilarating way. Formed in 2003, the trio (consisting of Even Helte Hermansen on Guitar, Rune Ner..
2023. The album from one of the most experienced prog-jazz-rockers bands in Europe, Gambardella. For fans of Dungen, Elephant9.
2021. For this 2021 release, Norway's experimental rock trio Krokofant joined forced with two respected colleague musicians. Keyboard Maestro Stale Storlokken is known for his work with a.o. Elephant9, Supersilen..