2023. The primary inspiration for this four-handed work between Fabio Orsi and Alessandra Guttagliere are colors. The title ('Arcoiris') in fact means Rainbow. For the realization of this work, there was a constan..
1984. - cantoria coralillo, la - de colores se visten los,trio tesis - si me pudieras querer,duo cachibache - de reojo,flynn, frank emilio - el bombin de barreto,trio tesis - retorna,trio tesis - la glori..
2013. - bienvenidos,tuni,por favor y gracias,hola,a brillar como el sol,compartir es la llave,la orquesta de plim plim,un equipo imposible de vencer,tuni impresionante,el planeta es nuestro hogar,pintemos..
1983. Playing Melodic Hard Rock with Metal influences and Spanish lyrics, the band PIEL DE SERPIENTE from Valencia is back with their third album 'Inevitable'. Being around for 7 years now this album is their debut ..