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Objednací číslo: 39458845


Odešleme do 14 dnů.

Žánr Rock
EAN: 0759528009629 (info)
Label: Flipside
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 3 dodavatelé, od 309 Kč

On this, their debut album, The Abe Lincoln Story will take you on a tour of musical styles, the variety of which is uncommon by today's standards. From the R&B swagger of 'I Don't Understand That Command' to the Arena Rock of 'Get High and Go To Work,' The Abe Lincoln Story deliver an album of hits and a noggin full of memories for years to come. So, don't just sit there listless like a blob of jelly on a paper plate, get up off your tuchas and onto the motherlovin' dance floor! We're having a dance party... and YOU are the guest of honor! This classic album by Silverlake's orginal party band The Abe Lincoln Story has just been re-released by Flipside Records! From the former leader of Bean comes a horn-laden band with a sound he likes to call 'Swing Punk Soul.' Here's what the reviewers said: 'Absolutely INFECTIOUS music. Now HERE'S a band that sings about things the common man can identify with: obnoxious phone gimmicks ('I Don't Understand [*69]'), hand signals ('Rock Scissors, Paper!'), day-to-day life ('Get High & Go To Work'), and more. Not only do the song topics go down easy, the music is a bunch of crazy FUN. The Abe Lincoln Story play upbeat pop music that's infected with cool horns from an era gone by. Steve Moramarco has a husky, raspy voice that just pushes things right over the edge. Revival bands like the Squirrel Nut Zippers are coming from a completely different side of the universe than these guys. This is more like soul/street boy pop that has real heart and soul. I sure hope I get to catch this group live, because they sound like they might just be one of the best out there. A total feelgood experience, the Abe Lincoln story gets my vote HANDS DOWN.' -- 'Moramarco generates his own freaky genius with a mastery of songs that comb out a cacophony of musical voices and top them with lyrics that, because they're funny, ring deceptively simple. Big and brassy, the ALS sound is marked by the syncopated blare of swanky horns, the snap of machine-gun snare drum, knee-knocky percussion and Moramarco's snazzy, surfish guitar. On the irresistibly perky 'Mathematics the formula is combined with Moramarco's speculations on the meaning of life: 'Well, it's got something to do with mathematics/something to do with alcohol/something to with Dianetics/and I can't figure it out at all.' What Moramarco has figured out is how to navigate that rare space where music can be undeniably rocking and really goofy without sounding incredibly dumb.' -- LA WEEKLY

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