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Objednací číslo: 39456949


Odešleme do 14 dnů.

Žánr Rock
EAN: 0888295087896 (info)
Label: Echoxs
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 3 dodavatelé, od 265 Kč

(Pronounced 'the le-vah-sees') Memorable pop/rock tunes, soulful vocals, fresh melodies, catchy hooks, sentimental and thought provoking lyrics, wailing guitars, screaming organ, sultry piano and pounding drums are what you can expect to hear from this band. 'Take two pints Springsteen, one pint John Mellancamp, add a heaping spoonful of Beatles, a pinch of Stones, a sprinkle of Rod Stewart, a dash of Bruno Mars, beat well, bring to a boil, simmer. That's the recipe for The Livesays.' The Livesays are an accomplished five-piece rock band fronted by the band’s namesake critically acclaimed singer/songwriter/guitarist Billy Livesay, who spent 12 years performing, recording and touring with E-Streeter Clarence Clemons' band 'Temple of Soul.' During his 12-year tenure with the beloved “Big Man,” Billy recorded and released 'Live in Asbury Park' Volumes I & II at The Stone Pony, the second album which features Springsteen. Drummer Eddie Zyne, is no stranger to arenas. Eddie's impressive biography began in 1974 when he landed himself the drumming position with Hall and Oates. Eddie has toured and/or recorded with Todd Rungren, Desmond Child, The Monkees, Foghat, Tom Dowd, Rick Derringer, and Brian Howe of Bad Company. Eddie’s been with Billy since the inception of The Livesays in '98 . The Livesays' lineup is rounded out with Jorge Laplume on bass (who was also in Slyder with Billy), Victor 'Cuqui' Berrios on Hammond B-3 organ, and Tim Murphy on piano, all of whom have impressive resumes of their own. Cuqui, who grew up in New York City, offers a touch of the Big Apple to the band with his Hammond B3 and impassioned vocals. Tim brings his ear for harmony and his unique Elton John style piano. Jorge hails from Havana, Cuba; with his latin roots coupled with a steady diet of the rock groups The Who and Free, he delivers a bass sound that is both funky and thunderous.

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