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Objednací číslo: 39447079


Odešleme do 14 dnů.

Žánr Rock
EAN: 0634479663192 (info)
Label: Andy Santospago
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 3 dodavatelé, od 309 Kč

Because we were already fans of the band The Vinyl Skyway, we were immediately drawn to this solo album by band member Andy Santospago. To be honest we were kind of expecting a lot...but Tiny Problems met our expectations and more. Andy writes and records complex modern pop with classic pop overtones. His tunes combine some of the best elements from the past (early melodic pop bands from the 1960s and 1970s) with the more heady, effervescent elements of the present (complex musical passages and the multi-layering that technology allows). Vocals don't get much better than this. Santospago sings with a cool understated presence that is a perfect fit for the songs he writes. This classy little album features twelve tracks including 'Early Choir,' 'Squander,' 'Dust Cloud in Central,' 'In Spite of Everything,' and 'Forest Green.' It seems criminal that, at least up to this point, this is a CD-R only release. Surely some intelligent label will step up to the plate and re-release this superbly pleasing batch of tunes. It is definitely bound to catch on like wildfire. Andy is easily one of the great unknown talents of the twenty-first century. Highly recommended. (Rating: 5+++) Baby Sue/LMNOP

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