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Objednací číslo: 39443534


Odešleme do 14 dnů.

Žánr World
EAN: 0634479307539 (info)
Label: Jose
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 547 Kč

THE ALBUM mature audience/ adult themes, strong sex scenes and some nudity - this music is like a long night of love and dreaming and simple friendship in a warehouse studio in marseille with a warm breeze coming up from the docks and a cuban band rehearsing next door and the smell of coffee and oil paint THE ARTIST jose and his twin sister amaani were almost born in the back of a ute on a trip from afghanistan to the west coast of france. his father was a trumpet player and his mother was a writer and philosopher who had been a bit caught up with research she was doing in kabul and forgot that she had been booked in to a maternity hospital in poitou. being australians, both of them, they thought they'd just drive back to france when the contractions started. of course the result was a traditional birth in a tent somewhere between herat and the border of iran. when jose and amaani took their first breaths it was the colours of the rugs, the smell of pilau, and the sound of the persian drum coming from another tent that filled their lungs and bloodstreams. when their mother was well enough to travel they did and worked their way, with no urgency now, through iran, turkey, bulgaria, yugoslavia and italy until when they were three years old they finaly arrived in the south of france. all stories have a tragedy. mother and father and jose and amaani had had dinner on the beach in menton. wrapped up in a blanket together and warm from eating soup and bread, jose and amaani listened to dad talking about the beaches in australia. they understood nothing except the warmth and solidity of their fathers voice, the gentle presence of their mother and the delicious sweetness of being wrapped up together under a mediteranean night sky. soon after amaani was taken. stolen in the middle of the night. a radical feminist bondage mistress had been out walking with a psychopathic priest when suddenly at the same moment they were overcome with a violent urge to have a child. as the priest was celibate and only into masturbation and the bondage mistress hated men it seemed natural that they should take amaani with them. of course no one recovered from this. father took to painting in oils and mother to talking in her sleep and eventually they moved back to australia and wiped their memories clean. [in the mean time amaani was rescued by a weaver and her husband and was taken back to afghanistan where she lived a full and beautiful life but one that was impossible for her brother and parents to know about]... later, staring out of the window of saint nicholas' primary in penrith, jose would find himself day dreaming of a sister and a warm tent, the feeling of being a twin, the sound of the trumpet and the persian drum, the idea of spices... but he couldn't actully remember any of it and neither could his parents. so he began to imagine, and in this way found out the truth and discovered the intense grief of being separated from the one we love. he studied classical guitar before going to art school where he learned the esoteric arts of seeing and composition. every night he returned in sleep to his beloved amaani and listened to her stories. his art, painting, writing, sculpture, and songwriting over 25 years has always been no more than an attempt to write down the things she whispers to him in the night, but maybe there is more...

Jose Gonzalez - Aktuality:

14.6. - VIDEO: José González v klipu 'Head On' zpívá za doprovodu světýlek

14.6. - NAžIVO: José González v komorním streamu odhalil své spojení s přírodou

6.5. - VIDEO: José González ve 'Visions' poodhaluje pravdu o stavu naší planety

18.4. - AUDIO: 'Stáváme se správci naší planety,' tvrdí José González v singlu 'Visions'

27.2. - VIDEO: José González se vrací. V klipu 'El Invento' hledá odpovědi na filozofické otázky

1.2. - José González pre SME: Moje piesne s orchestrom nespoznáte

23.7. - José González sa vráti na Slovensko

14.7. - José González With The String Theory / SWE

7.5. - Indie-folkový José González posledným veľkým menom Grape Festivalu 2015

20.12. - Na Sziget prídu The Subways, Alt-J či José González

Nové akce - HUDBA:

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