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Objednací číslo: 39309843


Odešleme do 14 dnů.

Datum vydání: 3.2.2009
Žánr AGE
EAN: 4260107470458 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 515 Kč

Popis - TASTE IT:
The German Electronics artist Robert Schroeder (discovered 1978 by EM pioneer Klaus Schulze) has produced numerous excellent solo CDs as well as his success album Double Fantasy / Universal Ave., which reached the US Charts in the end of the 80s. The music of Robert Schroeder is various, but always soulful. He combines spherical synthesizer sounds with modern rhythm-mical contrasts, often supplemented by spacey guitars and sometimes also by piano, cello or voices. Schroeder's music spectrum includes Electronic, Ambient, Chill-Out, Lounge, Adventure and Trip-Hop. Electronic Music in the widest sense is the musical style of this artist who has his roots in the music of Klaus Schulze, Can and Pink Floyd. It is an exciting moment, when putting an unheard CD the first time in your player. You don't know what to expect. But if you listen to the first track of TASTE IT, you soon become curious of all other tracks of the CD. Tropical rain and distant thunder, effects of the analogue synthesizer, drops in a cave and deep fields of warm synthesizer sounds ... this is the beginning of the new electronic work Taste It by the German sound artist Robert Schroeder. Relaxing groovy rhythms and sequences are added and an exciting journey starts. The title track Taste It reminds us of the track The Message, a successful title from the 80s by Robert Schroeder. Also Reminded Of Paradise is connected with an impressive album from the 80s Paradise. The previous album D.MO Vol.2 (2008) provides us with good old analogue material. Taste It now features fascinating futuristic sound-landscapes and new compositions. Robert Schroeder again creates a fantastic dreamworld. Voice-like synthiesounds on a base of modern Beats, Arpeggio-Sequencer patterns mystic choirsounds and dreamy melodies are surrounded by a spherical atmosphere. By using some little analogue sounds Robert continues the dreamy atmosphere of his album SphereWare (2007) and enriches this with decent downbeats. The music as well as the 24 bit-recording is responsible for an excellent setting to dream, for space travels or just to chill out. 9 tracks, lasting 72 minutes altogether, feature different atmos, soft and meditative tones, as well as rhythmical vivid tunes. Please take your time for listening. Increase the volume and enjoy your journey through the music. Best tracks: 1, 2, 7, 8, 9 Please read the album review by Sylvain Lupari from & synth& TASTE IT Thunders, fine showers, sound serpentines and synthesized ducks hurl in loops under sweet bongo percussions. A soft and charming track where we imagine being in the shade under palm trees, admiring the beach while listening to a futuristic band in the strange eclectic tribal tones. The title track, which opens Taste It, is a warm tribal serenade of a fanciful jungle that grabs to a syncopated bass rhythmic, encircled by lavish synth solos as warm as this imaginary fauna. Here is what we can expect from Robert Schroeder's 19th opus Taste It. Pacing up and down the meanders of its imagination and its curiosity for the progressive sounds, the German synthesist enriches his last opus of 9 melodious titles which stumble in a futuristic universe where the rhythms are next to ambient structures with a warm fusion Sweets of Paradise is a small wonder which begins innocently before rolling on furious percussions. A groovy piece of music tinted of a soft nebulosity thanks to a foggy synth with charming vocal breaths and chords of nostalgic keyboard which dance under a strange flute of a clan world, taken out straight from Schroeder imagination. Smooth A Sensitive Touch flows under a synth to eye-catching waves in a foggy orchestrations. A beautiful title where the sensualist and the dreaming grind in a slow structure, strewed with percussions at once suggestive and unstitched in a cosmic melancholy. Capricorn spits fire with an intro that explodes on percussions to heterogeneous echoes. A spatial techno which would make the score of a Spielberg movie. But Capricorn spreads its movement on a very melodious structure with its arpeggios which roll in loops on percussions as agile as nervous and a magnificent synth to essences of spatial violins in a universe sound to miles whims. A magnificent title which amazes, considering its strange opening. The Third Kind is for hardened ears. A gliding intro where choirs graft to a dark corridor to sonorities as strange as little inviting. Weakly the movement wakes up under percussions and inconsistent rhythmic with metallic sonority where everything takes place in slow motion. A surprising sound confusion which stumbles on this slow rhythm, almost atonal, but stuffed with a sound world so rich that we forget its morphic apathy. Time Cruiser is an ideal title for rubbing abs. A cosmic slow dance filled with syncretic tones on very sober keys. Although very ordinary, Fata Morgana is a melodious title which resumes the essence of the title track, without having however everything of its caustic. Heavy reverberation duped by fine percussions, a ghostly synth and a waving rhythmic open magnificent Dreamchecker. The structure becomes more stroboscopic and livelier with a beautiful line of bass, a keyboard with hopping arpeggios and a circular synth to spectral breaths which cross human sighs and distant one Celestine voice. A beautiful piece of music which is a prelude to the nostalgic Reminded Of Paradise. Nostalgic because the track is tinted with this musical structure that made the delights of Paradise, without falling into vulgar plagiarism. Minimalism pounding chords accompanied with male voices and a synth to imaginative solos charm our hearing on a hypnotic, bewitching and lively structure, in a sound universe so colourful as the insatiable appetite for Schroeder sound quest. A real small jewel. Without being brilliant, Tadste It is in the same vein as Spherware; an album where the sound variety molds structures where the ambient measure rhythms as astounding as strange in a cosmic bewitchment which made Robert Schroeder's trade mark A very good album which is going to please both fans of Schroeder and amateurs of a music freed from of all musical borders. (By Sylvain Lupari from Guts Of Darkness, The French Magazine of Dark & Experimental Music) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other albums from Robert Schroeder: (1979) Harmonic Ascendant (1980) Floating Music (1981) Mosaique (1982) Galaxie Cygnus-A (1983) Paradise (1984) Computer Voice (1985) Brain Voyager (1987) TimeWaves (1988) Driftin (1990) Pegasus (1991) Hamaja (1993) MindWalk (1994) Everdreams (1998) D.MO Vol.1 (2005) brainCHIPS (instrumental) (2005) brainCHIPS(vocal) (2007) SphereWare (2008) D.MO Vol.2 (2009) Taste It (2009) 30 Years After (2010) New Frequencies Vol.1 (2010) Cream, Cygnus-A (2011) Club Chill Vol.1 (2011) Bochum Live 2011 (2011) Esthétique (2012) D.MO Vol.3 (1987) Double Fantasy 'Universal Ave' (2006) Food For Fantasy 'The Secret Of Dreamin' (2008) Food For Fantasy 'Fruits Of Fantasy' (2010) Food For Fantasy 'Fresh Food”


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