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Objednací číslo: 39172242


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

Odběr zdarma

Datum vydání: 31.3.2023
EAN: 0602309896669 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 1169 Kč

'Miracle-Level' is Deerhoof's mystical manifesto on creativity and trust. It celebrates the infinite small wonders of existence that spontaneously present themselves, when not obstructed by our death-driven masters. Musically, 'Miracle-Level' is vulnerable, brave, and brimming with spicy surprises. Deerhoof's 19th album is also their their first to
be recorded and mixed in a recording studio. Production was
entrusted to Mike Bridavsky and this is also their first album written entirely in Satomi's native language. White vinyl.

Deerhoof - Aktuality:

16.9. - Audiotip: Stáhněte si koncertní album Deerhoof

19.7. - Videotip: Vybuchujúce hlavy v novom klipe Deerhoof

3.2. - Deerhoof - Deerhoof vs. Evil

12.1. - Videotip: Speváčka Deerhoof Satomi Matsuzaki na nákupoch

12.10. - Deerhoof zvedú na novom albume boj so zlom. Stiahnite si prvý singel.

3.5. - Donaufestival, Krems (AT), 29. 4. 10

26.4. - Deerhoof + Ahleuchatistas, Bratislava, 15 + 22. 4. 10

26.4. - Ozdravný kopanec jelením kopytom

16.4. - Hviezdy americkej nezávislej scény v A4ke

15.4. - Deerhoof - hviezdy americkej nezávislej scény mieria do Bratislavy

Nové akce - HUDBA:

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