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Objednací číslo: 39164025


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

Odběr zdarma

Datum vydání: 24.2.2015
EAN: 5200347701744 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 1339 Kč

Stella is already known as the most characteristic female voice in the Greek electro-pop scene. After many collaborations and guest appearances (My Wet Calvin, Sillyboy, Coti K., Expert Medicine, Nteibint, Sad Disco) and two side projects (Fever Kids, Chest) it was time for her debut self-titled album. The world of 'Stella' unfolds in 10 tracks where love for the 80's is present, synths are bolstered by funky guitar and dynamic bass and disco beats and colorful pop textures embrace the vocals of Stella. She has written music and lyrics and has played most of the instruments, while it was produced by Stella and Nteibint.

Stella Zázvorková - Aktuality:

14.4. - Najväčšie trápenie hereckej legendy: Vyrovnať sa s týmto muselo byť hrozné

17.4. - Herecká legenda Stella Zázvorková: Zanedbaný hrob bez mena!

6.3. - Bez Stelly to není ono, říká kamarád Zázvorkové Niederle

13.4. - PROFIL: Smiech publika bol pre ňu ako droga - Stella Zázvorková

15.5. - Smiech publika bol pre ňu ako droga - Stella Zázvorková

15.5. - Smiech publika bol pre ňu ako droga - Stella Zázvorková

24.2. - Pohádkové návraty: Arabela (Co dělají dnes a co tenkrát)

9.1. - Arabela je zpátky

Nové akce - HUDBA:

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