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Objednací číslo: 38959540


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

Datum vydání: 10.10.2016
EAN: 7320470214435 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 917 Kč

Triple Modular Wave Redundancy is a technique where each computational unit of each sound is duplicated three times, run in parallel, and the outputs are routed through dedicated circuitry to determine the correct output. To achieve the placement of the relevant sound algorithm in a given crosspoint it is necessary to instigate simulated soundwave annealing, which is inspired from metallurgical annealing. The idea is is to slowly cool the material so that crystals (which represent the lowest energy state) can form. In order for this to occur, the sound molecules must gain energy in the form of heat to escape from their local minimum configuration. In placement, this equates to accepting some blocks that actually make the signalplacement inaudible. The first step of simulated soundwave annealing is to create a random feasible placement. The next step is to swap two random blocks of the sound source circuit. The unique feature of the annealing is that along with accepting the sounds, a certain percentage of nonsounds are accepted within the totality. The rate at which the sounds are accepted within the working model of The Ägg is a function of the temperature and the reliability and consistancy of the input and output relations.

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