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Objednací číslo: 38498835


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Odběr zdarma

Datum vydání: 24.9.2021
EAN: 4040824090937 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 1015 Kč

Jaguar mine the sounds of the Colombian Caribbean and global dance subcultures on a debut album that veers between psychedelic salsa, taut cumbia-disco and zouk party jams.
Jaguar are two Colombians based in Europe, Paulo and Raúl. Since the '90s their paths crossed, their names mentioned by mutual friends, but it would not be until 2017 that they finally got to know each other. Quickly they established a musical rapport, forming a band with some friends that fell apart just as quickly, but they knew that wasn't the end, and they continued working on songs, finding their musical language; a path that led them to 'Madremonte' and a sound that imbibes cumbia, salsa, bolero, rock, zouk and champeta, music from across Colombia, from the Caribbean, its Pacific Coast and high into the Andes, all the while transposing these sounds to the dance floor.

Jaguar - Aktuality:

30.3. - Puerto posiela zo Španielska darček pre fans: Nové EP s názvom Jaguar King

Nové akce - HUDBA:

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