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Objednací číslo: 38203293


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

Odběr zdarma

Datum vydání: 15.1.2021
EAN: 0745860738044 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 1003 Kč

Repress of 150 copies on yellow/red vinyl. "Back in December of 2010, I went into a house in Joshua Tree California to record another solo record. About 4 days into the sessions, I decided to abandon the 8 songs I was working on, told my long time friend and engineer, Tony Mason, to start rolling tape and I proceeded to play drums in my natural improv style. After multiple drum track performances were captured, I then started layering guitars, bass and percussion in the same improvisational spirit. I essentially decided to "jam" by myself for the rest of my scheduled sessions. When the recording session had finally come to an end, I put the 8 unfinished tracks on the "shelf" as well as my "solo jam session" tracks. I was much more content with the "jam" tracks as it was a creative release that was needed at that time. I decided to call the collective tracks 'Jacoozzi'. At the time, it reminded me of the feeling of my first solo recording sessions for my first solo release, 'Jalamanta'... only more "free". At that time in 2010, I had no formal plans to release any of the music from those sessions, 'Jacoozzi' included." ~Brant Bjork.

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