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Objednací číslo: 37206689


Odešleme do 14 dnů.

Žánr Rock
EAN: 0888295259507 (info)
Label: Summer
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 419 Kč

Summer is an Indianapolis born musician and songwriter now living outside a small mid-western town (population 750). Her live solo music has been described as “acoustical awesomeness” with “a powerful voice and soulful sound.” Summer produced her new record Save The World along with guitar virtuoso and multi-instrumentalist Michael Kelsey. The record’s sound and lyrics are incredibly versatile flowing from grand rock and groovy love songs to contemplative ballads and sweet acoustic tracks. A precocious songwriter, Summer’s lyrics and insight are well beyond her years. Her songs tackle a wide variety of subjects from the excitement and innocence of fantasy and fairytales to the pain and power of love and friendship. Many diverse artists and genres influenced Save the World. Taylor Swift impacted the lyrical format and writing style, but the album takes on a rockier edge with an alternative effect inspired by U2 and guitar riffs sparked by Queen. Take a musical journey with Summer and listen to her debut album Save The World; you will be rocking, crying or wanting to get up and dance!

5 Seconds Of Summer - Aktuality:

6.10. - 5 Seconds Of Summer se už za pár dní vrátí do Prahy

24.9. - Vyhraj každý den 4 vstupenky na koncert kapely 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER

2.1. - LIVE: Raději rockové fláky než balady. Australští 5 Seconds of Summer dorazili poprvé do České republiky

2.5. - NAžIVO: 5 Seconds Of Summer nejsou žádný boyband, ok?

4.8. - Luke Hemming z 5 Seconds Of Summer vydá v srpnu první sólovku

10.4. - Kapela 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER s novým albem CALM slaví jeden úspěch za druhým. Desce ale chybí X Factor

21.3. - One Direction v novom klipe 5 Seconds Of Summer?

19.2. - Kapela 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER vydává nový videoklip a láká na svou čtvrtou desku

14.12. - 5 Seconds Of Summer mieri do Európy

28.11. - 5 Seconds Of Summer příští rok poprvé zahrají v Praze. A hned v O2 areně

Nové akce - HUDBA:

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