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Objednací číslo: 37022848


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

Datum vydání: 4.10.2019
EAN: 9761090128081 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 923 Kč

Sajjra is a project of Peruvian artist Chrs Galarreta. 'Synthexcess' was recorded in Rotterdam and it is a collection of telluric, ethereal, unique and unclassifiable songs. Sajjra's sounds can call forth the resonance of Andean brass orchestras or of sublime natural landscapes. They emanate textures and rhythms that evoke urban and rural soundscapes mutating in epiphanies full of noise, color and trance.
Chrs Galarreta (Peru, 1976) is one of the important figures of the South American experimental underground. Going back and forth from Europe to his homeland, he has been experimenting with noise in a strictly DIY way since 1995. This philosophy has led him to expand his abilities into realms such as harsh-pop songs, experimental music, installation art, software hacking, free improvisation and electroacustic compositions. He is a man with many aliases and side projects: Aloardi, DiosMeHaViolado, Evamuss, Chrs, Tica, and Invisible Architecture among others. His song project Sajjra emerged from the depths of the Uku Pacha in 2012, merging psychedelic songs with Andean-tropical music and sound experimentation.

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