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Objednací číslo: 36874713


Odešleme do 14 dnů.

Žánr Rock
EAN: 0884501675697 (info)
Label: Marc Kamhi
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 3 dodavatelé, od 356 Kč

Liz Gold from Rhino Girl Media wrote: 'Well. Let me introduce you to Marc Kamhi. There is something compelling about a dude who is tender. A straight guy from Queens who calls himself “NY’s Favorite Son.” Humble he may not be, but honest it appears he is. 'Even a strong person is allowed to cry.' Yes. Thank you. I’ve been listening to Kamhi’s “Breakdown” EP – five songs of “life, loss, pain, rebirth and redemption” and have every so often been blessed with a chuckle. I can’t help it, a pure, uninhibited laugh comes from my belly – not because of his pain, but because it makes me realize (again) pain is universal and heavy and sad and yes, fucking funny. And this guy somehow makes me happy to be alive. He plays acoustic guitar and I can hear his passion through his diary lyrics and I can also hear the influences of classic rock as a mini-dude New Yorker growing up in that other borough in the 80s. I notice he has a tendency to channel Led Zeppelin guitar rifts in this muted way, which tickles me because it’s paired with clinging, soul-bearing, raw words and a voice that strangely feels safe. I can let it all hang out with him.'

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