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EAN: 4036067300896 (info)
Label: Klangwirkstoff Recor
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 3 dodavatelé, od 867 Kč

Morphon - Om Mars Venus CD Digipak Klangwirkstoff Records KW003 Spielzeit:76,10 min Releasedate: 03.12.2008 LC: 16011 EAN: | 4036067300896 Tracklist: 1. Om 31:48 min. [Om | Tropical Year | Cis | 136,1 Hz | 127,60 bpm | -31,38 cent] 2. Mars 21:30 min. [Mars | D | 144,72 Hz | 67,8 bpm | -25.07 cent] 3. Venus 22:47 min. [Venus | A | 221.23 Hz | 103,70 bpm | +9,64 cent] Ambient Music meets Science Now after the first release of Morphon at the compilation „active agent of sound“ kw002 at the end of 2007, they presents their first Longplay: OM Mars Venus This CD contains spherical electronic ambientmusic with a philosophic background. With their project, Morphon, Eru (electronics and guitar), Tom Wölke aka Tommelon (electronics and guitar), and B. Ashra (electronics) are exploring artistically the mental and physical effects of natural vibrations and rhythms The tonal tuning of the music on this cd depends on planet tones based on the “cosmic octave”. This tones are octave-analogue overtones of planetary cycles: Year-tone OM the relaxing, mental principle Mars the willpower and purposive energy Venus the harmonic principle and the love energy The ability to be in resonance with the vibrations of cosmic totality means to be in unison. It is by way of immediate experience and through the archetypical aspects of being, that tuning oneself to a cosmic coherence becomes possible. The technique of creating this music is based on classical Indian music, which uses mostly 136.10 vibrations per sec. as its main frequency for tuning instruments. This tone is called 'OM'. In spiritual anatomy of the mystic way, OM is related to the center of the heart. Many people on earth are in harmony with this tone, also known as the 'year-tone', a so-called octave-analogue tone resulting from the octave transposition of one earth orbit into the audible frequency range. This principle of octave transposition forms the basis of the 'cosmic octave'. In 1978 the Swiss Mathematician, Hans Cousto, developed the idea of applying the harmonical law of doubling or halving frequencies beyond the range of audible perception. This created the possibility of appropriating octave-analogue tones, rhythms and colors related to the rotation and the revolution of the planets, planets cycles and other natural vibrations. Acoustic perception is directly related to synchronization and resonance, due to our overtone-disposed hearing and the so-called frequency following response (FFR) of human brainwave activity. This implies that by hearing octave-analogue tones and rhythms, we can resonate with occurrences beyond our direct perception. The theory of planetary tones or harmonical concert pitches was also established under the name of 'Ur-töne' (primordial tones) by the German music journalist, Prof. H.C. Joachim-Ernst Berendt. In Egypt, India and Tibet, the tradition of harmonical music applications was already used thousands of years ago in ritualized healing and meditation. The Berlin label, Klangwirkstoff, offers its listeners access to the fruits of contemporary, harmonical music research and constitutes a network for tuned music which spans the micro- and macrocosm of audible possibilities.

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