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Objednací číslo: 33790112


Odešleme do 14 dnů.

Žánr Kids/Family
EAN: 0822176100021 (info)
Label: Let's Sing Music
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 3 dodavatelé, od 452 Kč

Jamie Shaheen hails from Canton, Ohio. A classically trained pianist as a child, she loved to gather family and friends around the piano for sing-a-longs. Pursuing her dream of a career in music, she earned her music degree from Kent State University and began working as a professional musician after graduation. Currently based in Los Angeles, Jamie has established herself as one of the most sought after singer/pianists in Southern California. In addition, she is a performer for the Disney Corporation and has appeared leading sing-a-long shows for special events. Building on her love for children's entertainment, as well as her impressive credentials, Jamie has recently released a CD of original songs for kids entitled 'Everybody's Happy When They're Singing.' It forms the basis of her original sing-a-long show, which she is performing for children across America. Jamie Shaheen is a member of the American Federation of Musicians, as well as SAG, AFTRA and ASCAP.

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