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Objednací číslo: 31845236


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

Datum vydání: 1.4.2015
EAN: 0888174328560 (info)
Label: NAGAM
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 687 Kč

Popis - MATAR:
“The music possesses a pulse that wanes sometimes and rises above sometimes; whereas Abdallah Masri’s music palpitates with a continuous ascending pace through which we can read Life and the poetry that inhabits our inner being. That inner consciousness which pulls out our humanity from the alienation of our times and enables the reminiscence of a past we have lived in serenity and peace, foresees as well hope in the future generation. A generation for which sake we are working hard so it can enjoy the same serenity and peace of mind we had before the shaking times began. Abdallah Masri’s music has the flavor of those successive times filled with transparency, the same flavor of those poems that emanate from pure feelings before they are revealed in spoken words. Sayyab’s falling rain becomes with Abdallah’s symphonic music a new melody; and the drops of rain which reflect my love and my pain, my emotions and my mistakes in quenching my thirst, bring me the promise of a long awaited beauty that has not come yet. Their melody irrigates the soul of a human being who aspires to take refuge in the rain and yearns to purify himself from the prevailing violence through time. Masri -Badr‘s rain has shortened the distance that separates me from the poet who had gone through the same pain in another period of time, unifying our mutual sufferings on a path that leads us to a relentless and languishing search for the meaning of our humanity and the way to attain it. Sayyab’s poem resembles Aballah Masri’s symphonic poem, I fill with it the thirsty hearts of our nations, of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Sudan, Libya, the Arab Gulf and every shattered land, spreading a rain that washes but does not wash away. Accompanied by the “Capella Russia” Symphony Orchestra led by Valery Polyansky and Rami Khalife performing on the piano, I enunciate this great symphonic poem, expressing openly my adherence to both, the symphony and the poem, to the essence and spirit they share and to their longing for a humanity that ought to be fully manifested Oumeima.

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