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Objednací číslo: 31830244


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

Datum vydání: 13.11.2014
EAN: 8016670147763 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 882 Kč

Popis - WILDS [VINYL]:
The second full-length from Philadelphia based post-industrial group HOT GUTS. What started off as a raw and gritty post-punk band in 2007 eventually evolved into a more refined foray into territories that cross between the electronic and organic, as well as the harsh and beautiful. Currently a duo, Wes Russell's signature rich baritone and unorthodox guitar stylings (at times more reminiscent of construction machinery than a guitar) are still very present while counterpart Shari Wallin (also of Void Vision) provides the synths and drum machines as well as backing vocals. Within this web of minimal electronics there are hints of EBM, neofolk, tribal industrial but there is an element of experimentalism that has always been present in Hot Guts that keeps things sounding fresh, and strangely contemporary throughout the recordings.

Guts Pie Earshot - Aktuality:

22.2. - Guts Pie Earshot nabídli v Brně rozmanitý repertoár od klasiky po punk, metal i drum\'n\'base

16.2. - V rámci dalšího večera Enfilade vystoupí v Brně Guts Pie Earshot a The Ills

9.6. - Na Litoměřickém kořenu po čtrnácté zazní nečekaná hudba

12.9. - Dvojkoncert na úvod sezóny v A4 – nultom priestore

12.12. - Neortodoxní Guts Pie Earshot příští týden v Čechách

Nové akce - HUDBA:

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