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Objednací číslo: 31791568


Na objednávku. Dodání trvá obvykle 6 týdnů.

Datum vydání: 10.4.2014
EAN: 4025858068374 (info)
Label: SOSO
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

Popis - FILES:
Crisp and gentle, the bass glides over the melody. Tension, a twist. Suddenly, the claps start dancing. We have arrived at the first album of DATASTIX. Fantasies of synths and claps blend with shreds of intangible feelings, and in the dark club, the music merges to a ray of light. Almost imperceptibly, the energies of the first two tracks ?Outline? and ?Invisible Love? increase. A story full of electronic beauties and affectionate rebellions unfolds. An album that starts off like a concert, a performance, little by little changing from the black and white of the heavy drop to a scenery full of dazzling colours. Inspired by Drum ?n? Bass, completed by the first technotracks: DATASTIX have never made a commitment to a certain format or style. Especially their live performance is a battle against monotony, since there is nothing worse than playing past the audience. No concept, no planning, rather running riot and leaving the music to space and time. It is exactly this mutability and boldness on their record ?Files? which has become more important too Sascha Br?ning and Ragip Alkan than continuity of style and static profiles. After 20 years of friendship of which 15 have been dedicated to their shared love of electronic music there is no need to beat around the bush to describe the way the two collaborate. What happens in the studio does not depend on trends or charts, it simply happens. The result is impressive without superfluous ornamentation. Electronic music for listeners, sometimes for the dance floor but also for this kind of sensitive moment of tranquility, where you discover yourself in the play of instruments. A cover in black in white to an album that stays open to interpretation. ?Files? will be released in Mai on Oliver Schories new Imprint SOSO.  

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