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Objednací číslo: 31257635


Odešleme do 10 dnů.

Datum vydání: 27.5.2010
EAN: 2090503442191 (info)
Label: MORC
Obsahuje nosičů: 1

Popis - HAVEN [VINYL]:
Circle Bros is the project of Wim Lecluyse, the man behind Morc records. Just as with Morc records, Circle Bros doesn't focus on quantity - this is the first Circle Bros full length album since late 2001. 'Haven' is definitely one of these albums that happened by accident. The oldest recordings from this session, 'Your Sound' and 'Sure & Sure 2', were originally intended as an EP. Even though these tracks make up the core of the
album, it didn't feel ready. The recordings were shelved, but then 'Unlikely', originally composed for another EP, seemed to match all too well. This was what was necessary to start working with the original recordings again. Ironically, the opening track 'No Turning Back' was the last one to be put on tape. (Literally - the album was mainly recorded on an 8-track cassette recorder). It took almost two years before these tracks made it into a whole - and then it turned out that an LP seemed the best way to gather them. This is an album in the classic sense - not made to be listened to in shuffle mode. So
there was no intention to make an album - these songs just proved to be heard best in an album-form. Michael
Anderson (of Drekka) mastered the recordings, making the album sound even more coherent. On 'Haven', you'll still hear echoes from the classic drone-outfits likes of Windy and Carl or Azusa Plane, but the sound palette is no longer focused just on guitars. Organ, vocals and sound-collages give the more recent
recordings a very warm tone, and sometimes refer to the experimental pop- and folk structures of e.g. Richard
Youngs, Grouper or Castanets. The LP is pressed in an edition of 143 copies. The jackets were silkscreened by Levi Seeldraeyers of Smeraldina-Rima. Recommended if you like:
Drone, folk, experimental singer-songwriting, Flying Saucer Attack, Roy Montgomery, Castanets, Grouper, Richard Youngs - or anything on Morc Records really.

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