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Objednací číslo: 30670348


Na objednávku. Dodání trvá obvykle 8 týdnů.

Datum vydání: 20.1.2015
EAN: 0686647022508 (info)
Nosič: CD

Popis - MARA GOLD:
As the year 1967 rolled in on Duke Ellington, he found himself overlooking a steep cliff. His writing and arranging partner Billy Strayhorn had taken ill, and would pass on by the end of May of that year, and he, with 16 piece big band in tow, had just embarked on a European tour. The great challenge of Strayhorn being out of action was the fact that now Ellington would once again be tasked with doing the bulk of his writing alone once again, a role he had not had to fully assume since 1937. Now, at the age of 68, he had to endeavor to compose and arrange a new “book” for touring. In addition to his usual extended pieces, he would generally craft solo numbers which were specially arranged to present his soloists in their best possible light before crowds around the world. On this night in 1967 we hear Duke and his orchestra in rare form, presenting a few of such newly written compositions, featuring luminaries like Cootie Williams, Johnny Hodges, Lawrence Brown, Russell Procope, Paul Gonsalves, Cat Anderson and more.

01. Take the a Train 0:51
02. Johnny Come Lately 3:39
03. Chelsea Bridge 4:33
04. Swamp Goo 5:02
05. Salome 4:47
06. Mara Gold 5:01
07. The Shepherd 6:37
08. Things Ain't What They Used to Be

Duke Ellington - Aktuality:

11.1. - Praha a Brno budou swingovat. Vrací se The Duke Ellington Orchestra

8.6. - Koľko zázrakov a snov stojí láska?

4.6. - Otváracím filmom MFF Karlovy Vary bude Pena dní s Audrey Tautou

6.3. - Zomrel skladateľ Armando Trojavoli

18.11. - SMRT SI ŘÍKÁ ROCK'N'ROLL: Buddy Rich (61.)

3.9. - Přeložený koncert jazzového big bandu Duke Ellington Orchestra již za měsíc (+ soutěž)

10.2. - Duke Ellington Orchestra se po dvou letech vrátí do Prahy

1.4. - Jazzový víkend v Bratislave: Corea-Burton a Duke Ellington Orchestra (+video)

1.2. - Najslávnější orchester všetkých čias - Duke Ellington Orchestra – prichádza do Bratislavy!

13.1. - Duke Ellington Orchestra príde do Bratislavy

Nové akce - HUDBA:

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