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EAN: 0888295031820 (info)
Label: Paula Hawley
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

Press Release: KEYSER, W.Va. – His performing career spans nearly two decades. He’s played in the biggest cities along the East Coast. And after nearly 10 years on hiatus, musician Derek Shank returns to the spotlight with an album and a project that will appeal to lifelong fans while opening the tent for newcomers to his evolving style. “Sly Be The Wise,” Shank’s newest offering, will be released on 12/21/2013. The project is based on compositions written by the front man, “using the studio as a live instrument.” Each song is brought to life by a rotating cast of musicians, and each recording is unique by design. The music however is anchored by Shank’s creativity, production skills, and attention to detail. His musical talent carries the collaborations. “I’ve been lucky to have my favorite players join me on this record, and those moments in the studio mean as much as the release of the album itself,” Shank said. Sly Be The Wise finds Shank at his most innovative. The songs have their roots in alternative and rock with a noticeable pop feel to them. As always, Shank's infectious grooves will have crowds dancing and singing along. The forward-leaning 'Dress Like An Animal' marks a high point in Shank's catalogue, both musically and technically. Stylistically, the music has an Elvis Costello and the Attractions feel, with a little Rocket From the Crypt and Weezer thrown in. Echoes of the British invasion – with which Shank is intimately familiar – can be heard throughout. At 7 tracks “Sly Be The Wise” is a realization that delivers catchy lyrics and danceable music over its 26-minute length. Those who have seen Shank live are aware of the musician’s versatility. He can switch from drum and percussions to guitar, bass, piano and brass with no drop-off – and his vocals and lyrics, always a strong point, are again at their peak. Area music fans are already familiar with Shank’s work. He headed Distorted Penguins, a seminal West Virginia/Western Maryland rock band, and upon their breakup in 2007, he’s played in bands whose styles ranged from electronic, to hip-hop, to soul, to funk. He has performed locally with The Christmas Lights, Gina Powell and her Electric Band, Heroes for Higher and The Emperors, while also producing albums for several other local and regional artists. That eclectic experience is evidence on “Sly Be The Wise,” where his vast experience and influences have culminated in an album that is at once both familiar and unique. After years away from the spotlight, Shank thrusts himself back to the forefront of the musical conversation with an effort noted for its depth, breadth, and evolution. “I've been lucky enough to make music with fantastic musicians, which helps me remember why I'm doing this in the first place,' Shank said. 'The feeling I got when I first plugged in an electric guitar or set up my first drum kit ... it's electric and contagious.” Recording for “Sly Be The Wise” began in 2008 in Morgantown, W.Va., and was completed in 2013 in Cumberland. “I’m relieved it’s finally complete,” Shank said, “but once the record’s released, I already have plans to records more music.”

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