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Objednací číslo: 30105263


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Žánr Jazz
EAN: 0686647022805 (info)
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

Here we have the great Maestro, Duke Ellington in a very rare performance of his later Sacred Music, which he termed his most serious efforts of the latter part of his career. Of the three Sacred collections, or “concerts” he composed, perhaps the most well-known was his Second Sacred Concert, which he recorded as a studio version for RCA Records, but also performed at religious venues throughout the world. Although Ellington was of the Christian faith, he saw to it that his spiritual music was accessible universally, for all faiths and beliefs, and it was played in Churches, Synagogue, Temples, and Mosques alike. In this album, we have an example of the Second Sacred Concert being performed in Paris France, at Eglise Saint Sulpice, while on a European tour in 1969. Featured as expected are his usual lineup of jazz superstars; Johnny Hodges, Cootie Williams, Cat Anderson, Paul Gonsalves, and more, and on vocals the amazing contra soprano, Alice Babs of Sweden, as well as Toney Watkins and a choir called the Swingle Singers. Recorded Live at Eglise Saint Sulpice, Paris, November 16, 1969 Piano: Duke Ellington vocals: Alice Babs, Toney Watkins, Swingle Singers Choir Wild Bill Davis, organ trumpets: Cat Anderson, Cootie Williams, Rolf Ericson, Mercer Ellington trombones: Lawrence Brown, Chuck Connors, Aake Persson saxophones: Johnny Hodges, Norris Turney, Russell Procope, Paul Gonsalves, Harold Ashby, Harry Carney bass: Victor Gaskin drums: Rufus Jones

Duke Ellington - Aktuality:

11.1. - Praha a Brno budou swingovat. Vrací se The Duke Ellington Orchestra

8.6. - Koľko zázrakov a snov stojí láska?

4.6. - Otváracím filmom MFF Karlovy Vary bude Pena dní s Audrey Tautou

6.3. - Zomrel skladateľ Armando Trojavoli

18.11. - SMRT SI ŘÍKÁ ROCK'N'ROLL: Buddy Rich (61.)

3.9. - Přeložený koncert jazzového big bandu Duke Ellington Orchestra již za měsíc (+ soutěž)

10.2. - Duke Ellington Orchestra se po dvou letech vrátí do Prahy

1.4. - Jazzový víkend v Bratislave: Corea-Burton a Duke Ellington Orchestra (+video)

1.2. - Najslávnější orchester všetkých čias - Duke Ellington Orchestra – prichádza do Bratislavy!

13.1. - Duke Ellington Orchestra príde do Bratislavy

Nové akce - HUDBA:

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