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Objednací číslo: 29225266


Na objednávku. Dodání trvá obvykle 12 týdnů.

Žánr Jazz
EAN: 0826596033556 (info)
Label: Sergent Major
Obsahuje nosičů: 1
Nosič: CD

V nabídce: 2 dodavatelé, od 419 Kč

Popis - AKPE:
AKPE wants to say THANK YOU MINED some and much more still…. At 32 years, Thierry NKELI FAHA signs its third album. Autodidact, as of 5 years, its school books were avantages blackened by texts of songs he imagined that courses for which they were initially intended. At 15 years it seriously starts to learn the guitar and he invests completely in the music. Equipped a phenomenal memory, TNF, in addition to its compositions, listens to and memorizes hundreds of texts and music of all horizons, peels them and makes its own musical education. Follow innumerable concerts as a guitarist, in Lome, Cotonou and Accra, and with its own group in the adjoining countries of Togo. Its road crosses of Kofi OLOMIDE, Ray LEMA, Lokua KANZA, and Bob WILSON which l' invite to New York for a solo with the guitar. Based in HongKong since 2003, TNF multiplies the concerts there in Asia, and decides in 2007 to record a new album. If its style is described as world music, the rates/rhythms are above all Togo and Africa, with clear dominant a jazz. Traditional instruments the such gon and djembé are also present in ' AKPE' , which means ' merci' in mined, one of the Togolese vernacular languages has chooses TNF for the totality of the titles of this album, with its most expensive topics, the tolerance, love and optimism.

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