1960. - dawson, lynne - chandos anthem nr. 1 hwv 246 (oh b,sonata,tenor & chorus: o be joyful in the lord. . . ,chorus: serve the lord with gladness.  ..
2017. At long last, BLOOD FEAST is reborn into the metal underground with their highly anticipated third full-length album, The Future State Of Wicked, set to be released by longtime fans HELLS HEADBANGERS. - INRI,..
2017. Desert Rock from the mountains! - The 2014 album debut "Within" impressively bridged the gap between the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Triggerfinger and the White Stripes - their six-track mini album "Beep Beep..
2023. Lucky number 17? You better believe it. We here at 'Brown Acid' have been scouring the highways and byways of America for even more hidden stashes of psych/garage/proto-punk madness from the so-called Aquarian..
2023. Lucky number 17? You better believe it. We here at 'Brown Acid' have been scouring the highways and byways of America for even more hidden stashes of psych/garage/proto-punk madness from the so-called Aquarian..
2023. Lucky number 17? You better believe it. We here at 'Brown Acid' have been scouring the highways and byways of America for even more hidden stashes of psych/garage/proto-punk madness from the so-called Aquarian..
2017. Desert Rock from the mountains! - The 2014 album debut "Within" impressively bridged the gap between the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Triggerfinger and the White Stripes - their six-track mini album "Beep Beep..