1962. - stephen, pamela helen - messe nr. 12 b-dur hob. Xx,kyrie,gloria: gloria in excelsis deo -,gratias agimus tibi -,quoniam tu solus sanctus,credo: credo in unum deum -,et incarn..
1970. - hand in hand - elmore james,dog me around aka how many more years - howling wolf,house rent boogie - john lee hooker,you're an old lady - drifting slim,boogie in the park - joe hill louis,too tire..
2013. - hey,ba-ba-re-bop - tex beneke,crazy rhythm - harry james,i'm gonna see my baby - johnny mercer with pau,paxonia - george paxton,why don't you do right ? - peggy lee with benn,a bee gezindt - cab c..