2009. Treponem Pal's story begins in 1986, in a time when pop glitz or American glam metal reigned the European music scene. Back then industrial metal was just starting to grow, however the genre's turning point wa..
2008. Treponem Pal's story begins in 1986, in a time when pop glitz or American glam metal reigned the European music scene. Back then industrial metal was just starting to grow, however the genre's turning point wa..
2008. "One of the rare French band well known on the International scene, Treponem Pal hit back with a huge album, Weird Machine. Listed as "Groovy Industrial-Metal", Treponem Pal present us with a su..
2007. Treponem Pal a French industrial metal band formed in 1986. They were influenced by industrial (The Swans, Young Gods), electronic (Kraftwerk), Thrash metal and hardcore. Their first (self-titled) and third (E..