2015. Bednarek is a one of the most popular reggae bands in poland. ?oddycham? ( ?i breathe?) it is the second album in the band's career. You can see on this record clear evo..
2017. - radio gaga - dit is radio gaga,andre brasseur - far west,willy sommers - laat de zon in je hart,will tura - mooi, 't leven is mooi,lucy loes - min zeekapiting,liliane saint-pierre - soldiers of lo..
2014. Rick wakeman's 1996 studio album. Newly remastered. Featuring chrissie hammond (vocals), fraser thorneycroft-smith (guitars), phil laughlin (bass) and stuart sawney (percussion..
2010. Siedmy štúdiový album speváčky Britney Spears má názov Femme Fatale. "Do tohto albumu som za posledné dva roky dala svoje srdce i svoju dušu. Dala som do toho všetko, čo mám," uviedla 29-ročná Američanka prost..