2016. - restart again (feat. Philip strand),no other way (feat. Nicole cross),monsters (feat. Armanni reign),ride with me (feat. Joel faviere),it's only you (fe..
2019. Danish Skullclub is no longer an unknown band in the Danish rock scene. The band releases their long-awaited second album. It is entitled "Smaekhugger" and gives the world another slap in the face. T..
2019. Danish Skullclub is no longer an unknown name in the Danish rock scene, but despite this, they have never compromised the violent style Skullclub is known and notorious for. Now the band is launching their lon..
2014. - mind of a beast,our demons,skullclub,becoming harmonious,can't kill us,i need my memory back,skytoucher,fly by night only,carry the sun,beauty of the unhidden heart