2021. 'DeathCult' is the long-awaited fifth album of Siva Six. The duo invites the listener to the ultimate danse macabre and deliver their most dramatic, darkish and poignant opus ever. From ghostly choirs and poss..
2011. Following their successful dark "Black Will" album and its club-invader remix extension "Flesh And Will Resurrected", the apocalyptic Greek duo SIVA SIX opens today a new mysterious sonic gate with their much ..
2000. Its the rebirth of MYSTIC SIVA! They are without any doubt one the ultimate US heavy psychedelic undergound gems from the 1970s. Finally, this album is now available with a more superior sound than anyone of u..
2023. It's the rebirth of MYSTIC SIVA, who are without any doubt one of the ultimate US heavy psychedelic underground bands from the earliest 1970s. Finally, this album is now available with a more superior sound th..
2011. - Faileth Stars The Twin Moons Intha Ren4 ) Valley Of The Shadows Love Is The Low6 ) Serpent Whore Hell Is Where The Heart Is Necropolis Angels Of The Nine Two Against The World Blade Runner (Stardust)
2011. The fusion of native folk instruments and trippy psychedelic rock elements produced some of the finest music to emerge from South America in the early 1970s: Congregacion (and Los Jaivas) from Chile, Arco Iris..
2018. Braz Gonsalves is an Indian jazz musician (soprano and alto saxophone, clarinet). He is considered one of the great saxophonists of India and one of the outstanding musicians of contemporary jazz in Goa. He fi..
2017. Pressed on coloured vinyl and presented in a special cardboard cover, this is a limited edition (500 copies) reissue of Al Simones' 1993 album. Long revered as a trade secret amongst record dealers and collect..
2023. Phantasia is one of the ultimate heavy-psychedelic underground masterpieces from the early 1970s. When speaking about inventive and top-rated US psych-underground albums like Cold Sun, Dragonwyck, C.A. Quintet..
2017. Zoznam skladieb:1. Nad Prečínom, nad dzedzinú2. Krčmárske piesnea) Na ráno pohárekb) Odbila hodzinac) Nevyháňaj chlapcvod) Pálené chválené, borovičkae) To je ona, krčmárka lakomá3. Kamarátky známe4. V horném ..
2007. Už piate pokračovanie najúspešnejšej lovesongovovalentínovskej edície na Slovensku obsahuje okrem aktuálnych megahitov (V dolinách, Spomaľ, Povedzme, Od lásky závislí a ďalšie) aj tie „skôr narodené“ (Len s ..
FS Jánošík Ďatelinka
2016. - Slaby figovy strom,Svadobnie z Málinca,Ked som ja v tej Ukrajine bojovau,Mala som ja suhajka svárneho,Má milá, premilá,Tam za brodom,Chodí Hanka po záhrade,U susedov velmej pekne prehudajú,Zinkvirovali ma K..
2017. The first ever vinyl reissue of this elusive US private pressing from 1971, originally released on the legendary RPC custom label. This is a delivery of intense and crude garage-psych with echoing vocals, loud..
2017. Pressed on coloured vinyl and presented in a special cardboard cover, this is a limited edition (500 copies) reissue of Al Simones' 1994 album. Long revered as a trade secret amongst record dealers and coll..
2005. - Cielito Lindo ,Siva Lapa ,Le Lo La ,Mexico, Mexico ,Ave María ,Suco Suco ,Ayo Mama ,En La Frontera De Mexico ,La Paloma ,Morena De Mi Corazón ,Mulheir Rendeira-Ó Cangaceiro ,Tu, Solo Tu ,Cucurucucu ,Rege Re..
2012. Cooler Toursampler zur "DWA FTW - DWA Festival Tour - Europe 2012"! Mit Detroit Diesel, TERROLOKAUST, Siva Six und CYGNOSIC! Parallel zu den Vorbereitungen der Tour entstanden, wollten die Bands eine Compilati..
1997. - i am one,siva,rhinoceros,bury me,crush,suffer,snail,tristessa,window paine,daydream
2010. - hatesex/severina sol - serpentine(fatale mix),perlen,die - beweg dich nicht,stark,james d. - realize,alienphobie - autonomieautomation,new days delay - uniform,tat - vampyr,siva six - o..
2008. Authentic '60s Psychedelic Rock since a few years celebrates a strong international revival, and brings up lots of young but only a few talented bands - THE SHIVAS - are both! Basically you hear on this album ..
1990. - indecisione,autoritratto,eccesso,at midnight,night caller,mirror of desire,siva,day caller
2001. - siva,rhinoceros,drown,cherub rock,today,disarm,bullet with butterfly wings,1979,zero,tonight tonight,eve,ava adore,perfect,everlasting gaze,stand inside your love,try,try,try,real love,untitled..
1989. - te vaka - e keli,te vaka - siva mai,local choir tahiti - te maeva welcome,local choir tahiti - aparima te maeva,te vaka - tautai e,voix des iles - ua vii keee na te hatu,te vaka - tagi sina,voix d..
2013. - mutestates,viable,the siva,one damn given,aisbear (featuring tone),jabs and blocks,reburn,estrangement (featuring dean rodell),method to madness (featuring swarm intelligence),harvest in the field..
2014. Predstavujeme vám CD Moja pieseň a prostredníctvom neho dve mladé interpretky ľudových piesní – Lenku Filipovú (rod. Dubníčkovú) a Petru Vraňákovú. Každá z iného kúta Slovenska – zo Záhoria a z Oravy, obe siln..
2008. - Neberte nám princeznú - Tri slová,Peter Nagy - Láska je ...,Tomáš Bezdeda - Ostrov plný prevratov ,Pavol Hammel - Ja nemám lásku v maličku,Nocadeň - Kým nás smrť nerozdelí,Zuzana Smatanová - Tam kde sa neum..
2003. - Jede, jede poštovský panáček ,Jedna, dvě, tři, čtyři, pět ,Komáři se ženili ,Kočka leze dírou ,Adámku náš, copak děláš ,Já jsem z Kutný Hory ,Pec nám spadla ,Červená modrá fiala ,Sivá holubičko, kdes byla ,..