2018. "Senior" is the fourth studio album by Norwegian duo Röyksopp. It was originally released in 2010 and has now received a timely re-issue on vinyl having been unavailable for a number of years. T..
2010. - Happy Up Here,The Girl And The Robot,Vision One,This Must Be It,R?yksopp Forever,Miss It So Much,Tricky Tricky,You Don't Have A Clue,Silver Cruiser,True To Life,It's What I Want
2008. - Triumphant,Only This Moment,49 Percent,Sombre Detune,Follow My Ruin,Beautiful Day Without You,What Else Is There?,Circuit Breaker,Alpha Male,Someone Like Me,Dead To The World,Tristesse Globale
2014. - Triumphant,Only This Moment,49 Percent,Sombre Detune,Follow My Ruin,Beautiful Day Without You,What Else Is There?,Circuit Breaker,Alpha Male,Someone Like Me,Dead To The World,Tristesse Globale
2009. - Happy Up Here,The Girl And The Robot,Vision One,This Must Be It,R?yksopp Forever,Miss It So Much,Tricky Tricky,You Don't Have A Clue,Silver Cruiser,True To Life,It's What I Want
2022. Priekopníci elektronického popu, Röyksopp, prinášajú druhú časť svojho rozsiahleho projektu Profound Mysteries III.Ako vždy, Berge a Brundtland napísali, v..
2014. - So Easy,Eple,Sparks,In Space,Poor Leno,A Higher Place,Royksopp's Night Out,Remind Me,She's So,40 Years Back/Come
2010. - CD:,And The Forest Began To Sing 1:52 ,Tricky Two 7:53 ,The Alcoholic 5:12 ,Senior Living 5:11 ,The Drug 6:00 ,Forsaken Cowboy 5:30 ,The Fear 7:03 ,Coming Home 5:07 ,A Long, Long Way 4:02
1993. Debutové album nahrála kapela vedená skvělým kontrabasistou a skladatelem Jaromírem Honzákem, s nímž účinkují bubeník Roman Vícha (Toxique, Muff ), saxofonista Marcel Bárta (Vertigo, Muff ) a o klávesy a klaví..
2001. - hi_tack - say say say (waiting 4 u),herd / fitz / bailey, abigail - i just can't get e,freemasons / wilson, amanda - watchin' (motivo hi-,mylo / freeform five - muscle car ('05 mixdown),hard-fi - ..
2015. Miami is the right place for house music lovers from all over the world to join an all-day party with their favourite DJs, at the pool or night-time in the clubs. This is the backdrop for Milk & Sugar to r..
2014. - Dream On - Bushwacka Tough Guy Mix Edit,Personal Jesus - The Stargate Mix,Suffer Well - M83 Remix,John The Revelator - Unkle Reconstruction,In Chains - Tigerskin's No Sleep Remix Edit,Peace - Sixtoes Remix,..
1969. - ralph myerz & the jack herren band - nikita,royksopp - eple,the torske mundial explosion - in disco,annie - the greatest hit,erot vs kings of convenience - gold,kahuun - galutex,ralph myerz & the ..
2008. - Rainbowarriors - Cocorosie,Eight Days of Hell - And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead,Ein Geheimnis - Los! Fertig,The Animals of Prey - The Hidden Cameras,Bassautobahn - Hushpuppies,Fade Into You - Mazz..
2010. Digipackv červnu 2010 vydaná dýdžejská mix kompilace andre tannebergera alias atb. Atb je úspěšným dýdžejem konce 90. Let a posledního desetiletí, známým mimo jiné svými mixy p..
2007. - cd1:,lonesome steps - the lushlife project,how deep - aural float,after the rain - groovecather,slip into something more comfortable - kinobe,tokyo - lemongrass,do it your way - mood ii swing,don'..
2017. Britský kytarista Justin Adams se po dlouhých letech rozhoupal k sólovému albu Ribbons, na němž nepřekvapivě propojil obdiv k abstraktnímu umění a severoafrické hudbě. Objevitel a producent tuarežské skupiny T..
2004. - malik, joseph - melodies,tarma, lev - out of this world,brazille noir - in affair,riton - hungry ghost,gabin - la maison (acoustic version),aim / jones, stephen - good desease,deep dive corp - sis..
2003. - coldplay - in my place,david gray - other side,moby - we are all made of stars,daniel bedingfield - james dean,so solid crew - haters,streets - don't mug yourself,groove armada - purple haze,blue ..
1985. Man behind les rhythmes digitales w/collection of house, disco, rock, electro incl. Mirwais, devo, risan, brian eno, pixies, zoot woman, junior sanchez. . . &nb..
2000. - daniele silvestri - sempre di domenica,royksopp - remind me,coldplay - in my place,paola turci - mani giunte,giuliano palma - lei,norah jones - come away with me,tiziano ferro - le cose che non di..
2002. - muse - plug in baby,doves - there goes the fear,x-press 2 f/david byrne - lazy,dirty vegas - days go by,dandy warhols - bohemian like you,bowling for soup - girl all the bad guys want,jj72 - oxyge..
1999. Skupina DEPECHE MODE potěší příznivce albem remixů. Deska Remixes 2: 81-11 vyjde 6.6.2011...Kultovní elektropopová formace už s podobnou sbírkou přišla v roce 2004, tehdy projekt Remixes 81-04 pokrýval vše zás..
2008. ilustrační obrázek bookletu, obal doplníme - Drunkenmunky - Yeah!,Warners Powers & Dean Newton - Electrofied,Hoxton Whores - Friday Saturday Love,D.O.N.S. - Big Fun,Gat Décor - Passion ,Nomad - (I Wanna Give ..
1976. Trentemoller připravil ojedinělou kompilaci!Dánský elektronický hudebník a remixér Trentemoller je veřejnosti všeobecně znám nejen svou báječnou a nápaditou hudbou, ale i jako uznávaný remixér. Na svém kontě m..