2007. druhá z dvoch kompilácií, ktoré uzatvárajú úspešnú edíciu Opus Gold mapuzjúcu to najlepšie čo vzniklo na slovenskej hudobnej scéne predovšetkým v období veľkej éry slovenskej populárnej hudby - Zaľúbení – Duš..
2016. - funk busters - celestial blues ft. Greg blackman,da lata - going underground ft. Floetic lara,sola rosa - can we get it together ft. Noah slee,mop mop - run around..
2012. A fascinating compilation exploring the interaction between the Urban, Vaudeville Blues and Country Blues performers. This music used to be called 'classic blues', it's the music of Bessie Smith and Ma Rainey ..
2024. This second project released on Sub Rosa by the Japanese artist Kaoru Tashiro, manages to create a subtle dialogue between four composers, and four musical pieces, mixing a delicate blend of Japanese and Euro..