2014. paul kendall is an engineer, mixer and sonic producer who has contributed to a number of iconic releases by artists such as barry adamson, renegade soundwave, nitzer ebb, recoil, wire, loop and as a footnote w..
2015. Grey vinyl limited to 500 copies including A5 car sticker. Claus Larsen in his own words about this special release: "Big thanks to my hero, Mr. Alan Wider (Recoil/ex-Depeche Mode), for letting me cover..
2013. Architect is a unique hybrid of IDM, electronica and smooth ambient soundscapes inexhaustibly explored by German mastermind Daniel Myer. In a career spanning over fifteen years Daniel has been connected to but..
2007. Za projektem Recoil stojí Alan Wilder, bývalý člen kapely Depeche Mode, který na svém pátém řadovém albu pracoval posledních šest let. Na albu hostují: bluesman Joe Richardson z Jižní Louisiany a anglická zpěv..