1979. - poverty,inside out,full metal jacket,bad letter,about a band,razorblades,universal accident,cyclist,the nerds templar,mountains,hey girl,beautiful,lies,now i am
2012. French post-punk with serious angular riffage, raging synths that cut like razorblades and pop hooks to bang your head to. Between garage-punk and electro trash. Crash Normal is a duo. These guys drop their so..
2011. - the fall,death of ignorance,justified sacrifice,consumers,crushing me,holding back,razorblades and romance,no choice,let loose,we're all dying,disclaimer,we'll sink
2009. Mgkk telepathy je risk. Protože sunshine si s krásou vždycky zahrávali jako estetická chirurgie. Kdo někdy uvěřil, že to znamená sérii banálních zákroků, nechal se obelhat.&nbs..