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Nalezeno záznamů: 5 SARA K
1984. ~ Sara K. is in a class all of her own. This singer is gifted with the rare ability of having an emotional grasp of the listener by virtue of her spontaneous and intensive aura that casts a spell on the listen..
2001. - you're killing me,box elder,maybe, maybe,she believes,price yeah!,forklift,spizzle trunk,recorder grot,internal k-dart,perfect depth,recorder grot (rally),heckler spray,from now on,angel carver / ..
2001. - beegee - birds that change colour,inc. - marble sounds,stain - radio carver / chef tournel,bones - bed rugs,6-pack - minguz,bread - buffoon,moid - benny zen & the syphilis madmen,perfo ..